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What is Vastu ?

Vaastu is the study of bearings that consolidates every one of the five components of nature and offset them with the man and the material. Vaastu Shastra makes a suitable settings or a spot to live or work, in most logical way taking benefits of the advantages presented by the five components called “Paanchbhootas” of the nature consequently preparing for upgraded wellbeing, riches, flourishing and bliss in an illuminated climate.

Antiquated Gurus and Rishis have known the insider facts of utilizing every one of the five components of this universe and their unique attributes to improve lives since a few centuries. A few elements were thought about while setting out the standards of this old science in particular, attractive field, gravitational field and so forth of Earth, the universe overhead, the headings and speed of the breezes, light and intensity of the SUN including the impacts of its Ultra-Violet and Infra-Red beams, the volume and force of precipitation and so on.

About Vastu Vidwan

Scientific Vaastu Expert

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