vaastu vidwan

How to Check Vastu of House: A Simple Guide

Tips for a Balanced and Harmonious Home

Have you ever felt that the energy in your home just doesn’t feel quite right? Or perhaps you’re planning to move into a new house and want to ensure that it aligns with positive energy and harmony. In such cases, understanding Vastu Shastra can be incredibly beneficial. Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science that focuses on creating harmonious environments. In this guide, we’ll explain how to check the Vastu of your house and make simple adjustments to promote positive energy flow.

What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra, often simply referred to as Vastu, is an ancient architectural and design philosophy that originated in India. It is based on the concept of balancing the natural elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space—to create a harmonious living space that enhances overall well-being.

how to check vastu of house

How to check Vastu for home entrance?

1. Begin with a Clean Slate

Before diving into specific Vastu recommendations, start by thoroughly cleaning and decluttering your home. A clean and clutter-free space allows energy to flow freely and ensures that you can better assess the Vastu of your home.

2. Check the Main Entrance

In Vastu, the main entrance is considered one of the most critical aspects of a home. It is the point where energy enters your space. Here are some guidelines:

  • Ensure that the entrance is well-lit and welcoming.
  • Avoid obstructions such as shoes or furniture near the entrance.
  • A clean and well-maintained entrance is essential.

3. Assess the Directions

Vastu emphasizes the importance of directions. Each direction is associated with specific elements and energies:

  • North: Associated with water and wealth.
  • South: Represents fire and reputation.
  • East: Symbolizes the rising sun and new beginnings.
  • West: Linked to the setting sun and prosperity.
  • Northeast: Ideal for prayer and meditation.

Identify the different rooms and their directions within your home. Ensure that the activities in each room align with the associated energies.

4. The Bedroom Matters

The bedroom is where you rest and rejuvenate. According to Vastu:

  • The head of the bed should be placed towards the south or east.
  • Avoid mirrors that reflect the bed.
  • Keep electronic devices at a distance

5. The Kitchen's Energy

The kitchen is considered the heart of the home. To ensure positive energy:

  • Place the stove in the southeast direction.
  • Keep the kitchen clean and organized.
  • Use soothing colors like yellow or light green for the kitchen.

6. Colors and Vastu

Colors play a significant role in Vastu. Each color represents different energies:

  • Use green for balance and harmony.
  • Red can stimulate energy, but use it sparingly.
  • Blue represents calmness and should be used in bedrooms or meditation areas.

7. Fixing Vastu Defects

If you discover Vastu defects in your home, don’t worry. Simple remedies can help correct these imbalances:

  • Use mirrors to redirect negative energy.
  • Indoor plants can improve air quality and energy flow.
  • Wind chimes can create soothing sounds and promote positivity.

8. Seek Professional Guidance

For more complex Vastu assessments and remedies, consider consulting Vaastu Vidwan. We can provide personalized recommendations based on the specific layout and orientation of your home


Creating a Vastu-compliant home doesn’t have to be daunting. Start with the basics, and gradually make adjustments to align your living space with positive energies. Remember, the goal of Vastu Shastra is to promote balance, harmony, and well-being in your home.

By following these simple guidelines, you can take the first steps toward achieving a Vastu-compliant and harmonious living environment.

Remember, Vastu is a matter of personal belief and choice. It's essential to make changes that resonate with you and your family.

Frequently Asked Questions

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of architecture that focuses on harmonizing the energies in your living space by balancing the natural elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space. Understanding how to check Vastu of your house can help create a balanced and harmonious environment, enhancing overall well-being and positive energy flow in your home.

To check the Vastu for your home entrance, ensure the entrance is well-lit and welcoming, free from obstructions like shoes or furniture, and is clean and well-maintained. The main entrance is crucial as it is the primary point where energy enters your home.

For a Vastu-compliant bedroom, position the head of the bed towards the south or east, avoid placing mirrors that reflect the bed, and keep electronic devices away from the bed. These tips help create a restful and rejuvenating space.

You can correct Vastu imbalances with simple remedies such as using mirrors to redirect negative energy, placing indoor plants to improve air quality and energy flow, and hanging wind chimes to create soothing sounds and promote positivity. These adjustments can help balance the energy in your home.

For more complex Vastu assessments and tailored remedies, it’s advisable to consult a Vastu expert. Professionals can provide personalized recommendations based on your home’s specific layout and orientation, ensuring optimal harmony and balance.

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